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The Painting Studio  >  Painting Service  >  Art Projects and Exhibitions  >  Records of Past Events

About the Award

The Outstanding Students Artist Award of Hong Kong (OSA Award), established in 2015, is held every two years. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the 4th series of OSA AWARD which was original planned in 2021-2022 was cancelled. We are now delighted to announce the resumption, the 4.5 edition of the Award is scheduled to be held in 2024.


The award is organised by a wide range of individuals in the art circle, with the support of experts in the fields of art education, design, art collecting and promotion. It aims to encourage secondary school students to express their creative abilities and artistic styles, such as exploration in themes, media and art history studies. The awards are presented to young artists in secondary school and emphasises the creative process, individuality and artistic potential. The jury is made up of art industry experts and university faculty.


The awards and the joint exhibition seek to go beyond the school system and allow students to learn from each other. All students are eligible to apply whether or not they are studying art-related courses. In addition, shortlisted student artists will collaborate with finalists of the previous year to create an exhibition, hence inspiring creativity and fostering the exchange of ideas.


Exhibition Information


5/F, Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre




Exhibition Setup & Support

The Painting Studio


Venue Sponsor

Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre


(+852) 6044 8962   |

Kin Wing Commercial Building, No. 24-30 Kin Wing Street, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong

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